game music, called SHADES has sold 10,000 Copies in Germany, with its best cut a medley of the two Turrican themes. In Japan, Yuzo Koshiro is a big star and recently released two new CD's based on 2`Streets of Rage'1 and 2`ACTRAISER'.1 Also in the Japanese chart is the `Konami Ending Col- lection' a two-volume work contain- ing 50 ending tunes from their kewl Console Report #5 games. By Now all we need is for the Bitmap Timdog/Crystal Bros to release a Greatest Hits and conquer the British Charts! 3CD Magic1 3--------1 3Nintendos ShOcK 32MeG BoArDs1 3----------------------------1 If you still think Rave music is wicked then time's passing you by Rumours suggest that Nintendo are Compact Discs of game music are the planning to revolutionise console new crucial things to have in your gaming by introducing 32-meg games record collection. on a new cartridge system called A 70 minute CD of Chris Hulbeck the memory map. this means games could have the potential to be 4 3Console Carry cases1 times the size of MARIO IV! (Nope 3-------------------1 8*), in fact a 32 meg cartridge would have the memory of four Nuby, the carry case merchants,have amigas! We wait with bated breath. released some more products which should appeal to anyone who enjoys 3Segas lock out chip ShocK1 carrying their consoles, or their 3-------------------------1 carts about. Look out for the Megadrive attache Sega Europe have announced that case. This fine item retailing at forthcoming Megadrive titles are to 49 pounds, enables you to carry include a security chip that makes your megadrive and some games it impossible to run imports on a about. With a bit of "Structural British machine, or offical games alteration", its possible to fit on a Japanese model. The first game your power supply as well!. to be protected in this way is Super Extendo cables are also av- Artyon Senna's Super Monaco II. ailable that enable you to extend A similar system is used by Nin- the length of your joypad cables. tendo with their official UK Super Nuby have yet to announce a price NES system,and a converter has been for this invaluable piece of kit. developed to neutralise the pro- tection enterprising importers will NEO-GEO rules supreme probably find a way around the new --------------------- sega protection too. 3My Verdict1 A new kewl game is going to be re- 3----------1 leased soon in Japan it's going to Crystal.Crack INC = Rulers of the be called `THE ART OF FIGHTING' and Amiga Scene is the first 100 Meg Cart that will U.C.C.I,P.O.N.G = Rulers of the be available,most NEO games are 40- Console scene 54 meg!! So imagine this one. The Neo Geo is in a class of it's own 3Mega Fuckings to...1 with the following Specifications:- 3-------------------1 2 * 68,000 Processor Chips (Running /\UTOPSY (You're Dead!!, and your as 32Bit) charts are LAMEEEEEEE!!) 1 * Z80a Sound chip xtra PROFESSOR (Your lame fuckpiece who 15 Channel PCM Digital sound talks shit!! FUCK U ISZ= 380 Sprites on 1 screen SuX!) 65,750 Colour Palette CHROME (Your Dead!!, if you're a 4,096 Colours on screen at once German beware!!) Upto 330 megs can go on one cart!! PHIL-D ( Hahahah You a kewl cracker? HaHa LAME slow cunt!! 2 hours to make a reader hmmmmm `I WiLl Go out and buy one soon!!! it's a CrAcKkkk It' YEP SURE!!) stunner!!!!!!!! SNK (#1) 3My Greets1 3---------1 SWAYZAR, EXECUTIONER, SHADOWVEX, SABINE, TEACHER, MR.C, SCIMMER SENTRY, MASTERBLASTER,NIGHT VISION, ICE-CUBE,ZEKE,M. BISON, FIONA,DAVE, DAN,MEGADRIVE,ZIGOR,ENGINEER,POACH- ER, MAVE,MARC,STARR,JARNIS,JAKE,RY- GAR,BUBBA,MAGIC DRUMMER >>And everyone else I can't be bothered to put in!!<< 2-Polaris Intermission!-1 Yo guys,anyone who sends me articles is welcome to put sum greets,or a few adverts at the end of their articles, but 3PLEASE1 no fuckings! If you have a VERY good reason to slag someone (eg. he murdered your family, or forgot to let the cat out at night) then write an article explaining why,and then we will judge the story.I only included Timdog's fuckings bcoz I'm using this article without his permission!ThAnX! 2Article By:Timdog/Crystal1 3Clipart By:Punisher/Eclipse1